RiseMD, a lead gen marketing firm working with knee pain clinics, saw a 34% reduction in CPL while increasing lead volume 142% across 35 campaigns

RiseMD, a marketing company focused on generating leads for knee pain clinics, utilized AudienceOS to significantly improve their campaign results. They managed to decrease their Cost Per Lead (CPL) by 34% while simultaneously increasing their lead volume by 142%. This improvement was spread across 35 different campaigns.







RiseMD specializes in acquiring new patients for clinics, offering a service that promises to enhance revenue growth with minimal effort from the clinic’s side. They emphasize removing the complexity of digital marketing for their clients. With a combination of their New Patient Acquisition System, high-quality creative work, and exclusive technology, RiseMD commits to delivering continuous growth and measurable outcomes.

Before audienceOS:

Average Cost Per Lead: $43.79
Transactions: 184
Total Spend: $8057.36

With audienceOS:

Average Cost Per Lead: $24.09 (-$19.70)
Transactions: 421 (+237)
Total Spent: $10,141.89
Money Saved: $8293.70