Do you ever watch a video and just four minutes of watching and you’re already bored? If that has ever happened to you, then you’re not alone.

Many people are in the same boat as you because people’s attention span is reduced drastically. According to some scientists, the average attention span of a human being is as little as a goldfish.

But how does it affect your business in the online world?

When customers visit your website within 10 to 20 seconds, they decide to either navigate your website or close it. But there’s an ideal way to enhance your website conversions.

It is Google remarketing.

Google is a vast platform with many websites and sites, such as YouTube, Gmail, Maps, etc. By correctly using these, you can ensure your business reaches your target audience, thus accomplishing your ad campaign goals.

In this blog, we will discuss what Google remarketing campaigns are and their most important types. It’ll help you choose the perfect strategy for your business.

So, let’s dive in.

What is Remarketing?

Remarketing is a digital marketing strategy that targets individuals who have previously interacted with your website, app, or brand but did not complete the desired action, such as purchasing or filling out a form.

Have you ever watched an ad and felt like advertisers are spying on you?

Suppose you were once interested in purchasing a new smartphone. So, you spent some time browsing various online stores and tech review websites. However, you didn’t buy the smartphone immediately. Because you want to compare options, read reviews, or check other brands.

A week passes, and you eventually forget about purchasing the smartphone.

But now you are getting ads on websites that seem to show you products that are exactly what you wanted. How is that possible? How do they know this?

They knew you were considering a smartphone purchase. Since you haven’t lost interest in purchasing a smartphone, they re-engaged you with targeted ads. These ads started appearing everywhere you went online, reminding you of the fantastic deals and features.

One of the ads addressed a specific concern you had about battery life. Now you finally get that Aha moment!

That’s the product you wanted. You were almost convinced, but you didn’t make the purchase earlier. However, now you’re super convinced to grab the offer.

This series of events is known as the power of remarketing. Remarketing is an amazing strategy through which you can increase your business revenue.

Why Are Remarketing Campaigns Important?

According to stats, more than 90% of visitors who stumble on your website are not ready to purchase. What does that mean?

It means that many people are checking your website, but you’re not doing anything special to remind them and encourage them to purchase. The primary goal here is to convert the visitors into your clients. Right?

Through remarketing campaigns, you can specifically target these visitors and increase sales. It reminds them about your offer and encourages initial visitors to convert. Here are some of the top benefits of these remarketing campaigns that you must know.

  • Increased Conversion Rates: Remarketing allows you to target users who have already shown interest in your products or services, making them more likely to convert into customers when they see your ads again.
  • Enhanced Brand Recall: Remarketing keeps your brand in front of users, reinforcing brand awareness and making your business more memorable.
  • Personalization: You can tailor your ads to specific user behaviors and preferences, increasing the relevance of your messaging and improving the chances of conversion.
  • Improved ROI: Since targeting a warm audience, your ad spend is often more cost-effective, leading to a higher return on investment than traditional advertising.
  • Cross-Selling and Up-Selling: You can showcase related or upgraded products or services to users based on their previous interactions, potentially increasing the average transaction value.

Types of Remarketing Campaigns

With the help of remarking campaigns, marketers have an opportunity to reach out to previous visitors. Thus making them into your customers. Here’s how the process goes.

Visitor checks your website → Leaves without buying anything → Remarketing campaign → Attracts potential customers again → Achieving marketing goal

But before that, you need to know the major types of remarking campaigns. Let’s look at them in detail.

Standard Remarketing

Suitable For: Any business with a website or app.

When to Use: When you want to re-engage past website or app visitors with general ads to remind them of your brand or offerings.

In this type of remarketing, your display ads appear in front of people who have already visited your website. More specifically, visitors who checked your landing page left without buying anything. They later check different websites and social media platforms like Instagram to find the same offer or product.

Another thing you should know is that it’s also applicable to visitors who have searched for similar search phrases or keywords that you offer.

Dynamic Remarketing Ads

Suitable For: E-commerce businesses or those with a large product catalog.

When to Use: When you want to show personalized ads featuring products visitors view on your site, encouraging them to return and purchase.

It is a customized strategy in which the visitors’ ads are personalized according to how they navigate your website. It includes ad messages that are for visitors who have viewed the ad. So they can come back to the webpage and lead to the retrieval of those abandoned items.

Let’s understand it with an example.

A person visits an e-commerce site to purchase an item. They add it to their abandoned shopping cart. But they forgot to buy it. In short, they become cart abandoners.

Now, if your ad appears in front of this person, the chances of your item getting sold are high.

But what if they spent some time on pricing strategy? Maybe they can’t afford the product.

Then, your strategy should revolve around pricing. Give them a discount, free trial, or limited-time offer. You can create templates based on product feed, images, services, and product categories customized according to specific browsing history. 

Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSAs)

Suitable For: Businesses heavily reliant on search advertising.

When to Use: When you want to tailor search ads and bidding for users who have previously visited your website, increasing the chances of conversion.

You’ll see a complete remarketing list for search ads if you check Google AdWords. It allows you to personalize the search ads campaigns for visitors to your website.

Search Network allows you to customize Google bids and ads based on what your visitors have been searching on:

  • Google
  • Google’s partner search sites

But when should you use it?

It’s ideal when a visitor visits your website. But then leave to search the same keyword on Google, and they might buy from your competitors. There are two primary strategies for RLSAs.

The first strategy involves having specific bids for existing keywords. It’s for visitors who are already on your remarketing list. To boost sales, you raise your ad bid by 20% for users who visited your site in the past week. Plus, you tailor ads for different groups, like those browsing products and those with items in their carts.

It’s all about re-engaging potential buyers and driving more sales. This advertising to users works well because they often find the exact products they are looking for.

The second strategy is bidding on new keywords. But what does that even mean?

It means bidding on keywords that you might not bid on normally. However, it’s for visitors who have previously bought something from your webpage. But why would you do that?

It’s to extend your reach to draw them back to your brand. You can target broader keywords exclusively for this strategy.

Tip: Learning more about smart Google bidding can help you to understand how to reduce customer acquisition cost.

Video Remarketing

Suitable For: Businesses with video content or YouTube presence.

When to Use: When you want to re-engage YouTube viewers who watched your videos or encourage them to take specific actions.

You might already have come across such video remarketing strategies. They appear in front of people who have visited your webpage or watched your videos.

These ads appear on YouTube either in-between, at the start or end of the video. After a certain duration, your target audience will have the option to skip the ad.

However, there are different types of ads. Some are skippable, while some are unskippable. Here are some ads that you should know about:

  • Skippable In-Stream Ads: Viewers can skip these ads after 5 seconds.
  • Non-Skippable In-Stream Ads: Viewers can’t skip these short ads.
  • Bumper Ads: Super short, unskippable ads lasting only 6 seconds.
  • In-Feed Video Ads: Ads that appear within your online journey.
  • Outstream Ads: Mobile and tablet ads outside YouTube on Google Video partner sites.

Another place where you can put your remarketing ads is on the right side margin where video suggestions usually appear. These strategies are a powerful tool to keep the sales cycle thriving. 

Email Remarketing

Suitable For: Businesses with an email list of subscribers.

When to Use: When you want to re-engage subscribers who haven’t been active, promote special offers, or encourage them to visit your website.

It is also referred to as a Customer Match. Suppose you have a customer list who want to purchase or visit your website. You can add this audience list of emails to Google Ads. Afterward, your ads will automatically show up in front of them.

However, there are various ways through which marketers use this technique. But we’ll discuss the basic and most effective two techniques you should know.

These display ads appear on various websites to the users who have opened any email from you. The second strategy is simple follow-up.

A visitor comes across your website and exits without making a purchase. This is your potential customer. You only need to nurture them and give them the last push. With email remarketing, you can achieve that. A follow-up email is sent to the visitor to remind them to make a purchase. Always get the email address of every customer. 

But remember, when you’re sending messages from Gmail, personalize them. According to stats, personalized emails are more effective and can lead to return customers. Here are some other tips you can follow:

  • Keep it short
  • Add strong CTA
  • Make it visually appealing

App Remarketing Campaigns

Suitable For: Businesses with mobile apps.

When to Use: When you want to re-engage app users, promote new app features, or encourage more app usage.

A Google Ads app remarketing campaign helps show your app users ads that match their interests. This can make your users more valuable over time.

Do you know how?

It’s because it recommends app users stay engaged inside the app. The ads to users are shown via these platforms:

  • Play Store
  • Google Display Network
  • YouTube
  • Google Search
  • Discover
  • Apps that host app ads

If you want to set up this campaign, then it’s extremely easy. Because there is no need to create separate ads, all you need is to create a compelling ad copy, per day budget, and initial bid. After that, the ad algorithm will handle all the tasks.

The best part is that the algorithm experiments with combinations of texts, images, videos, etc., to find what works perfectly.

5 Tips for Google Remarketing Campaigns

If you’ve chosen the strategy, then don’t forget these essential five tips. These can improve the effectiveness of your campaign and show your ads to people who are most likely your remarketing audience.

  • Segment your audience based on their behavior and engagement with your website or app. You can also create new audience definitions to achieve maximum from your remarketing efforts.
  • Tailor ad content to match the interests and preferences of your audience type.
  • Set limits on how often users see your ads to prevent overexposure.
  • To optimize ad spend, exclude irrelevant or low-performing audiences, websites, or keywords. Audience segmentation is extremely helpful in this case.
  • Keep a close eye on data, analytics, and conversion tracking to evaluate the success of your campaigns and make necessary adjustments.


Now that you have a clear idea of a remarketing strategy and its major types, you can implement a suitable strategy for your business. Remember to have a clear goal before starting your campaign. But what if you start a campaign without a goal?

It will lead to poor results and no ROI. Your goal can be increasing brand awareness, website engagement, converting customers, or anything else. So, choose one goal and then experiment with strategies to gain success.

Testing and experimenting with various strategies can help you better understand the campaign. Lastly, it’s important to track the progress of your Google remarketing campaign. It will help you invest money in the right strategy and provide a strong basis for the future advertising campaign.

So keep learning, optimize, experiment, and repeat this cycle to maximize your marketing efforts and revenue.