Smart marketers attract relevant traffic to their sites through a variety of channels like social media, paid ads, and organic search. However, many of these hard-won visitors are not being utilized to their full potential.

Did you know? A staggering 97-98% of your website traffic is composed of anonymous website visitors. Only 2-3% are those who have interacted, subscribed, or made a purchase. If you could harness an additional 2-5% conversion from these unknown visitors, it could transform your marketing success.

Understanding the Conventional e-Commerce Marketing Funnel

A common belief among digital marketers is that campaign structure should be divided into Top and Bottom funnel campaigns. Top funnel campaigns usually focus on factors like age groups, demographics, and interests, largely driven by third-party data, such as ad platforms.

For the bottom-funnel, retargeting ads are used for a duration of 7-21 days to convert those who have abandoned their cart or checkout pages.

Demystifying Anonymous Website Visitors

Before we delve into converting anonymous website visitors, let’s understand the difference between an anonymous and a known visitor.

The Known vs Unknown Visitor

Anonymous visitors are returning visitors who haven’t provided any personal information, like contact details. Known visitors, on the other hand, have provided data such as name and email. Most businesses, unfortunately, overlook 98% of their visitors who are anonymous, causing a vast majority of website traffic to remain stuck in the mid-funnel.

Why Anonymous Website Visitors Get Stuck Mid-funnel

Lack of user behavior data:
Typically, when a user lands on the website, they perform a range of actions. However, most brands only gather basic data like demographics, age, and name.

Imagine if we could categorize website visitors based on their behaviors and distribute content accordingly. This would significantly assist the user in their journey towards purchase.

The Struggles of Retargeting Ad Campaigns

For example, you may want to segment the “product_viewed for more than 3 days” and run a personalized ad campaign on Facebook. However, the custom audience match rate for this segment on Facebook might be quite low.

Why is the Facebook Custom Audience Match Rate Low?

This is due, in part, to changes in user privacy norms.

Prior to the iOS’14+ update, Facebook had extensive access to data about your website. However, after the update, Facebook has limited access to user behavior data, and the match rate has consequently fallen to less than 25%.

Beyond iOS: The Rising Privacy Concerns

iOS’14 isn’t the only concern for marketers, with Google phasing out third-party cookies and Android limiting pixel tracking.

In this climate, relying solely on Facebook pixel tracking for understanding your website visitor behavior data is no longer feasible.

Activating Anonymous Website Visitors with audienceOS

First-party data is more than just email IDs and contact numbers. It includes any information gathered from visitors who land on your site.

This valuable information can be obtained through cookies, CRM platforms, social media profiles, and mid-funnel audiences, thus including your anonymous website visitors.

Harnessing First-Party Data to Improve Facebook’s Custom Audience Match Rate

With first-party data, we can gather information such as Browser ID, Click ID, IP address, User-agent, Facebook ID, Google ID, and more. This data can significantly improve the match rates on platforms like Facebook and Google.

The Importance of Segmentation Based on User Behavior
As marketers, we have default segments such as added-to-carts and wishlists. However, mid-funnel audiences should be treated differently.

Creating Personalized Engagement for Mid-Funnel Visitors
Segmentation based on user behavior can help predict the potential actions of the user. Advanced segmentation techniques can include factors like product views, cart abandonment rates, and more.

Delivering the Right Ad at the Right Time with Facebook
When optimizing for conversions, Facebook suggests choosing an action that occurs about 50 times per week as a minimum. This helps their system learn and optimize the delivery of your ad to achieve the best results.

Strategies to Boost Your Facebook Campaign Optimization
Optimizing your campaigns for micro-conversions (simple actions showing genuine interest in your offer) can be a game-changer for both e-commerce and B2B businesses.

Key Takeaways

In a world increasingly concerned with privacy, it’s crucial to start collecting your own customer behavior data, i.e., first-party data. Anonymous website visitors represent a significant, yet underutilized, potential for purchases. By collecting this data, you can provide a personalized experience to these users, making your marketing efforts more effective, accurate, and reliable with audienceOS.